YonKeenn </>
Journal About Portfolio Research Post

YonKeenn </>

Hello, I'm Jhon Vargas - a Data Scientist & Technical Lead

Curious. Self Learning. Proactive.



I’m Jhon Vargas, a keen practitioner of Data Science and technical leader.

-> My vision is to try to humanize the mathematical models of machine learning in order to improve the life style of the society.


I worked almost 10 years on Telecom as a tecnical leader. Since 2019, I started a side(personal) project in MERN stack where I realized that I liked to do things related to software that’s why I switched to Computer Science field since 2020 and there is where I met data science world doing stuff like optimization, machine learning models, deep learning models in NLP, CV and so on.

In 2022 after get a lot of knowledge on data science, project and business, I launched commercial a startup iTresse focus on analytics getting some retail customers like florists, travel agency, clothes retail, etc creating supervised models for churn, CLTV, forecasting, etc.

And these things come up with handle soft skills like good customer relationship with effective communication, self confidence and experience in project and technical management frameworks like Scrum/PMP.


Currently I am on finishing(thesis phase) my Master of Computer Science at UNI and also I belong to the 4th Generation of BREIT/APORTA Advanced Program in Data Science & Global Skills with the partnership of MIT IDSS .

During those years I’ve started with Javascript and MySQL languages. In the master of CC, I’ve learned python, C++ for research projects mainly. In my short phase on iTresse, I’d learned visual data story telling with Tableau and big data infrastructure in Google for creating data pipelines.

I’m interested to deploy applied predictive analytics, contribute on machine learning projects related Natural Language Processing and use statistics to solve real problems.


In my free time, I like to spend listening to music, doing music, doing biking across my hometown, watch action thrillers series, science fiction movies about space, galaxy and spend family time.

-> You can contact me in my personal email: jhon.vargasr@gmail.com for any queries or via linkedin .

-> For more details about my profesional trayectory, you can see on my resume:

Resume Detail

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