YonKeenn </>
Journal About Portfolio Research Post

YonKeenn </>

Hello, I'm Jhon Vargas - a Data Scientist & Technical Lead

Curious. Self Learning. Proactive.


Here I will post information I learned that I consider useful for every person who likes tech.

Hosting Hugo Static Web

In this new entry, we will check how to publish our hugo site. First, we will do using github pages and then changing the domain name as custom one.

Latex Sintaxis

Pointers in C++

This post focus in pointers c++ 17 and beyond…

Git Learning

How to use git? This is a baseline tutorial for using git and github. We run from 0 to create branches, make pull request and solve merge issues.

Linux Customizing

The iam of this article is to create a repository about linux hints during daily work days.

Customizing your theme

After download a theme, you saw that this theme does not fit your necessities.

Meeting Hugo

For general flow, first hugo check files int he original folders and files, structures and so on.

Getting started

Here are some details to help you getting started with this theme.

Archetypes management

The archetypes are defined in the archetypes folder, for both post and portfolio.

Manage Your Menu

Menu in the sidebar can be defined within the config.toml or directly in the files. I prefer the config file approach, as this menu is pretty simple.


Introduction of the shortcodes defined in the personal-web theme.

Config File

Here is the basic config file used for personal-web.

You can use it as a base for your website.

Open Graph image

Within any page, you can add in the FrontMatter a images array that will be used to define a specific Open Graph image. For example, see content/_index.md page: