YonKeenn </>
Journal About Portfolio Research Post

YonKeenn </>

Hello, I'm Jhon Vargas - a Data Scientist & Technical Lead

Curious. Self Learning. Proactive.

Hosting Hugo Static Web

1 minutes
August 31, 2022
125 Words

In this new entry, we will check how to publish our hugo site. First, we will do using github pages and then changing the domain name as custom one.


  1. Change the baseUrl content in the conf.toml
  1. Create a github repository
  1. Build static side with “hugo -D” command
  2. Push your public folder with git “push -u origin main” command
  3. If you want custom domain, create CNAME file with your domain content
  4. Change DNS in your dns provider
  5. For update repository, we only need to build again with “hugo -D” command and then update repository with git.